Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Tree People

Living in the forest restores my inner balance and inspires a natural sense of peace and being in the world. Thousands of tree hearts and souls are intertwined here, with me, in this mountain hollow. We feel our connections, which are grounded in a vast root system that stretches for miles in all directions. Most importantly we find comfort in each other.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

A wintery trail to the old Hoblitzell Mines.
Early Morning Winter Peace                                                                        Early morning along Wills Creek and it is cold, clear and quiet; albeit peacefully quiet. Together, we hear the forest and creek singing longingly to each other, a harmonic symphony of old souls who have experienced the joy of close companionship and pristine living. Last night, the strong northern winds blew down from the mountain ridges vigorously shaking the wind chimes, discordantly releasing un-pent anxieties from the polar regions of the globe. The wood burning stove has quickly warmed this small cabin and I, and all three cats, are closely gathered together, experiencing a rare moment of peace, comfort and family warmth. Together, we peacefully sit, a small and trusting pack huddled in kinship, warming our thoughts while denying our individual experiences with desolation. Thankfully, this is exactly the day that is needed to bring a deeper calm after months of hardship. I am intensely grateful for receiving this blessing from the unknown earth gods and goddesses that surrounds us.