Sunday, July 10, 2016

Journey to Falls Cut

For those looking for an adventure, consider a trip to Fall's Cut Tunnel, located in Fairhope, PA. Built in 1897, this tunnel was constructed to provide access through Big Savage Mountain, located at one of the steepest grades situated on the CSX mainline running between Pittsburgh to Washington, DC.

The tunnel cuts through the red rock of an Appalachian mountain side that has a fault line running through it. If you like geology, you will not want to miss this site!

There is a railroad bridge running over Will's creek on both sides of the tunnel. Please be careful on your approach. Trains run frequently on the track and it is illegal to be on CSX property. The side of the mountain, that is towards Glencoe, PA has a natural waterfall running below it. It is a favorite swimming hole for those daring and adventurous enough to travel to it through rough terrain.

The waterfall empties into a large pool of still water that awaits those looking for an invigorating plunge into fresh, clean, mountain water. It is deep enough to swim in! 

When the water is deep enough, you can jump in from the rocks overhanging the edge of the creek. As you can see from this photo the rock ledges are well decorated. This photo was taken in July. The water is quite low at this time of the year.

On your way to the Fall's Cut swimming hole you will enjoy the many wildflowers of the region!

1 comment:

  1. Hi I was wondering how you get here from Fairhope. Do you have to walk through the tunnel or is there a trail? Thanks!
